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Welcome to the Cubyn API! This API is organized around REST over HTTPS.

To implement the Cubyn API on your website, please refer to Connecting the Cubyn API to get your API application Key.

If you need a Sandbox environment to test the connection, please contact us at and refer to Using Cubyn Sandbox.

All our endpoints speak JSON fluently.


Try this with your applicationKey

curl \
    -H 'X-Application: my-api-key'


  "version": "0.0.3",
  "name": "cubyn.api",
  "description": "Please visit for further information on this API.",
  "auth": {
    "application": {
      "name": "My API application",
      "createdAt": "2015-08-19T10:18:13.000Z",
      "updatedAt": "2015-08-19T10:18:14.000Z"
    "user": {
      "id": 706293859,
      "firstName": "Jane",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "phone": "0606060606",
      "createdAt": "2015-08-19T10:18:13.000Z",
      "updatedAt": "2015-08-19T10:18:13.000Z",
      "email": ""

All endpoints except GET /v2 require a proper authentication. Your API credentials will consist of an applicationKey. Authentication is done simply by adding an X-Application header containing your API Key.

Quick Start Guide

Cubyn enables e-merchants to manage their inventory, orders and returns from a single interface. The process is simple as below:

Step Description API METHOD
STEP 1 Send inventory POST /v2/storage-inbound/orders?filters[warehouseId]=:warehouseId
STEP 2 Track inventory GET /v2/product-catalog/products/
STEP 3 Create parcels POST /v2/parcels
STEP 4 Track parcels GET /v2/parcels/:id

STEP 1: Send inventory

1. Declare products & products quantities for your WIO

REQUEST (curl)

curl --request POST \
  --url '' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --header 'x-application: my-app-key' \
  --data ' {
    "items": [{
        "productName": "product33",
        "sku": "mySku_product33",
        "barcode": "EAN_product33",
        "quantity": 4


  "id": "e4f007ae-4412-4f90-bc17-a7aa2679b7a6",
  "pid": "290833",
  "declaredItems": 4,
  "status": "CREATED"

POST /v2/storage-inbound/orders?filters[warehouseId]=:warehouseId

warehouseId Corresponding warehouse
3628042 France
193543585 Spain
Field Type Details
items Array Array of items in the inbound order
    items.$.productName* String Name of the product
    items.$.sku* String Unique reference of the product
    items.$.barcode* String Physical identification of the product (EAN, IMEI, UPC...)
    items.$.quantity* Integer Quantity of objects per item
    items.$.lotNumber String Lot identification, set to WIO ${WIO id} by default
    items.$.lotDate Date Lot date, set to null by default. If set to null, the lot date will take the value of the WIO reception date once received at the warehouse
    items.$.customPickingStrategyForProduct Boolean If you want to activate lot tracking, including custom picking strategy (FIFO, LIFO) for a new SKU, false by default

Golden rules for an inbound order creation :

This route returns informations about the created inbound order. Here are the most important :

Field Type Details
id String Id used for other API calls needing this inbound order
declaredItems Number Number of items declared in the inbound order
status String Status of the inbound order

2. Declare shipment details for your WIO

Our Delivery Document is a scannable document that you need to attach on every box or pallet you send within your WIO. It enables our receiving team to easily identify your goods. It is highly recommended that you use this if you never used carrier tracking number before.

REQUEST (curl) - DELIVERY DOCUMENT TRACKING (1 tracking = N boxes/packing units)

curl --request POST \
  --url '' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
  --header 'x-application: my-app-key' \
  --data '{
    "orderId": "e4f007ae-4412-4f90-bc17-a7aa2679b7a6",
    "deliveries": [
            "carrierName": "Other carrier",
            "declaredPackingUnits": 2,
            "estimatedReceptionDate": "2021-12-31T23:00:00Z"

RESPONSE - DELIVERY DOCUMENT TRACKING (1 tracking = N boxes/packing units)

       "warehouseId": 193543585,
       "orderId": "1907ba12-e2b2-4eaa-8587-83fac21b421b",
       "carrierName": "Other carrier",
       "estimatedReceptionDate": "2021-12-31T23:00:00.000Z",
       "declaredPackingUnits": 2,
       "carrierTrackingId": "23eaeabb-7245-4b8c-8d89-2290368e47ab",
       "id": "ea7dd22a-1201-4dba-b360-a3d891e65cc7",
       "reference": "23eaeabb-7245-4b8c-8d89-2290368e47ab",
       "status": "CREATED",
       "createdAt": "2021-08-02T11:55:47.000Z",
       "updatedAt": "2021-08-02T11:55:47.000Z",
       "receivedAt": null,
       "receivedPackingUnits": 0,
       "storedItems": 0

REQUEST (curl) - CARRIER TRACKING (1 tracking = 1 box/packing unit)

curl --request POST \
  --url '' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
  --header 'x-application: my-app-key' \
  --data '{
    "orderId": "e4f007ae-4412-4f90-bc17-a7aa2679b7a6",
    "deliveries": [
            "carrierName": "UPS",
            "carrierTrackingId": "1Z3736373638393837",
            "declaredPackingUnits": 1,
            "estimatedReceptionDate": "2021-12-31T23:00:00Z"
            "carrierName": "UPS",
            "carrierTrackingId": "1Z3736373638393838",
            "declaredPackingUnits": 1,
            "estimatedReceptionDate": "2021-12-31T23:00:00Z"

RESPONSE - CARRIER TRACKING (1 tracking = 1 box/packing unit)

       "warehouseId": 193543585,
       "orderId": "e4f007ae-4412-4f90-bc17-a7aa2679b7a6",
       "carrierTrackingId": "1Z3736373638393837",
       "carrierName": "UPS",
       "estimatedReceptionDate": "2021-12-31T23:00:00.000Z",
       "declaredPackingUnits": 1,
       "id": "a73e2afc-5403-4312-af6b-423a71d42964",
       "reference": "1Z3736373638393837",
       "status": "CREATED",
       "createdAt": "2021-08-02T11:52:08.000Z",
       "updatedAt": "2021-08-02T11:52:08.000Z",
       "receivedAt": null,
       "receivedPackingUnits": 0,
       "storedItems": 0
       "warehouseId": 193543585,
       "orderId": "e4f007ae-4412-4f90-bc17-a7aa2679b7a6",
       "carrierTrackingId": "1Z3736373638393838",
       "carrierName": "UPS",
       "estimatedReceptionDate": "2021-12-31T23:00:00.000Z",
       "declaredPackingUnits": 1,
       "id": "4b4da10c-a0ff-47f9-8af3-a8b5a9627515",
       "reference": "1Z3736373638393838",
       "status": "CREATED",
       "createdAt": "2021-08-02T11:52:08.000Z",
       "updatedAt": "2021-08-02T11:52:08.000Z",
       "receivedAt": null,
       "receivedPackingUnits": 0,
       "storedItems": 0

POST /v2/storage-inbound/orders/batch-deliveries

Field Type Details
orderId* String ID of the inbound order to declare shipment details for
deliveries* Array Array of shipments (to declare details for each)
    deliveries.$.carrierName* String Supported carrier name:
'Other carrier' for Cubyn Delivery Document
    deliveries.$.carrierTrackingId* String Carrier tracking ID of the delivery
    deliveries.$.declaredPackingUnits* Number Number of boxes in your shipment
    deliveries.$.estimatedReceptionDate Date Estimated reception date of the delivery at the warehouse

POST /v2/storage-inbound/orders/batch-deliveries

Field Type Details
orderId* String ID of the inbound order to declare shipment details for
deliveries* Array Array of shipments (to declare details for each)
    deliveries.$.carrierName* String Supported carriers: 'UPS' / 'DHL'
    deliveries.$.carrierTrackingId* String Carrier tracking ID of the delivery provided by UPS / DHL
    deliveries.$.declaredPackingUnits* Number Should equal 1 in this mode (1 box = 1 tracking)
    deliveries.$.estimatedReceptionDate Date Estimated reception date of the delivery at the warehouse

Deliveries allow warehouse operators to know which incoming order is associated with each package received. For this reason, carrier tracking IDs must be indicated for each delivery.

This route returns the list of created deliveries and their informations. Here are the most important :

Field Type Details
$.id String Id of the delivery
$.status String Status of the delivery
$.orderId String Id of the inbound order associated to the delivery
$.carrierTrackingId String Carrier tracking ID of the delivery
$.carrierName String Name of the delivery carrier
$.estimatedReceptionDate Date Estimated reception date of the delivery at the warehouse
$.declaredPackingUnits Number Number of packing units declared in the delivery

3. Download delivery document

To be able to send your inventory to Cubyn's warehouse you need to download your delivery document.

Downloading your delivery document comes in two step:

REQUEST (curl) - Get your order's deliveries

curl --request GET \
  --url '[orderId]=3d8fe1a4-41ba-4649-9981-6cf01f26a09b' \
  --header 'x-application: my-app-key'

RESPONSE (curl) - Get your order's deliveries

        "id": "fd16cbc2-8392-49e6-8253-5cfcc026ed93",
        "orderId": "3d8fe1a4-41ba-4649-9981-6cf01f26a09b",
        "status": "CREATED",
        "reference": "77b3d5d1-450e-4b03-b829-34b9de2849da",
        "warehouseId": 3628042,
        "createdAt": "2023-06-16T12:35:15.000Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-06-16T12:35:15.770Z",
        "receivedAt": null,
        "carrierName": "Other carrier",
        "carrierTrackingId": "77b3d5d1-450e-4b03-b829-34b9de2849da",
        "fileKey": null,
        "estimatedReceptionDate": "2023-06-29T22:00:00.000Z",
        "receivedPackingUnits": 0,
        "completedPackingUnits": 0,
        "receivedItems": 0,
        "storedItems": 0,
        "declaredPackingUnits": 1,
        "deliveryMode": "STANDARD",
        "totalWeight": null,
        "boxHeight": null,
        "boxLength": null,
        "boxWidth": null,
        "weight": null

GET /v2/storage-inbound/deliveries

Field Type Details
filters.orderId* String Your inbound order id.

The previous endpoint allowed you to fetch your deliveries's ids. You can now use it to fetch your documents. This will give you an url to download the PDF file generated.

REQUEST (curl) - Get your deliveries's documents

curl --request POST \
  --url '' \
  --header 'x-application: my-app-key'

RESPONSE (curl) - Get your deliveries's documents

    "url": ""

POST /v2/storage-inbound/deliveries/:deliveryId/document

Field Type Details
deliveryId* String Your delivery id.

Response is an url to your delivery document's PDF.

4. Validate your order

At this point your order should still be displayed as DRAFT in shipper app. The status returned by the first endpoint is CREATED. To be properly handled an order needs to be validated.

Once you have properly downloaded your delivery documents you can validate your order before sending it. To do so you can use the following endpoint.

REQUEST (curl) - Validation of your inbound order

curl --request POST \
  --url '' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
  --header 'x-application: my-app-key' \
  --data '{
    "status": "VALIDATED"

RESPONSE - Validation of your inbound order

  "updated": 1

POST /v2/storage-inbound/orders/:orderId

Field Type Details
status* String VALIDATED to put the order as none-draft. CREATED to keep it as draft.

STEP 2: Track inventory

Track inventory

REQUEST (curl)

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'x-application: my-app-key'


    "products": [
            "name": "Product 0",
            "reference": "product_0",
            "merchantId": 134362594,
            "type": "STANDARD",
            "isUnknown": false,
            "isUnscannable": false,
            "isCase": false,
            "isCasePacked": false,
            "scubId": "33e5266e-e38f-4aa0-8dd9-440b4ce89336",
            "productId": "f58bef17-10d2-4a20-81d3-d7a75d5046c1",
            "warehouseGroupKey": "TOTAL",
            "availableQuantity": 0,
            "damagedQuantity": 0,
            "reservedQuantity": 0

This endpoint for single warehouse merchants:

GET /v2/inventory/products?productId=:productId

This endpoint will return 1 product

This endpoint for multi warehouse merchants:

for warehouseGroupKeys leave FR, ES
for productId, replace it with your product id

GET /v2/inventory/products?warehouseGroupKeys[]=FR&warehouseGroupKeys[]=ES&productId=:productId

This endpoint will return 1 product twice, with stocks aggregated by warehouse groups.

If you are multi warehouse merchant use these filters ?warehouseGroupKeys[]=FR&warehouseGroupKeys[]=ES in each API call

This endpoint for single warehouse merchants:

GET /v2/inventory/products

This endpoint for multi warehouse merchants:

GET /v2/inventory/products?warehouseGroupKeys[]=FR&warehouseGroupKeys[]=ES

This endpoint gets a maximum of 1000 products. To get all your products you can use the limit and offset parameters, for instance if you have 2200 products:

Endpoint Description
/v2/inventory/products returns 1st 1000 products
/v2/inventory/products?limit=1000&offset=1000 returns next 1000 products
/v2/inventory/products?limit=200&offset=2000 returns next 200 products

Using filters you can filter out the products you are looking for:

Endpoint Description
/v2/inventory/products?query=iphone returns array of item(s) that has iphone value in sku or name fields
/v2/inventory/products?types[]=STANDARD returns only standard products you can fetch products with the following types: STANDARD, BUNDLE, VIRTUAL, DAMAGED
/v2/inventory/products?isCase=true returns array of item(s) that are cases
/v2/inventory/products?isCasePacked=true returns array of item(s) that are case packed items
/v2/inventory/products?isUnknown=true returns array of item(s) that are unknown
/v2/inventory/products?isUnscannable=true returns array of item(s) that are unscannable

Track barcodes

REQUEST (curl)

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'x-application: my-app-key'


    "skuIds": [],
    "barcodeSet": [
    "quantity": 794
    "skuIds": [],
    "barcodeSet": [
    "quantity": 0

To fetch the barcodes and their quantities for a given product use the following GET /v2/inventory/product-sku/{productId}

This endpoint will return an array of objects containing the barcode set and its quantity. For classic cases, barcodeSet always contains only 1 element.

Field skuIds will only be filled if your inventory is handled by our automated warehouse.

Track lots

REQUEST (curl)

curl --request GET \
  --url[lotDate]=asc \
  --header 'x-application: my-app-key'


      "lotId": "WIO_123_2022-09-23_58f0ef85-7006-4488-adca-dbbfa3d79fea",
      "lotNumber":"WIO 123",
      "aggregatedBy": "lotNumberLotDateProductId"

Use this endpoint to get a list of lots

GET /v2/inventory/lots

This endpoint gets a maximum of 1000 lots. To get all your lots you can use the limit and offset parameters, for instance if you have 2200 lots:

Endpoint Description
/v2/inventory/lots?limit=1000 returns 1st 1000 lots
/v2/inventory/lots?limit=1000&offset=1000 returns next 1000 lots
/v2/inventory/lots?limit=1000&offset=2000 returns next 200 lots

Using filters you can filter out the lots you are looking for:

Endpoint Description
/v2/inventory/lots?productId=58f0ef85-7006-4488-adca-dbbfa3d79fea returns array of lots that belongs to a given product.
/v2/inventory/lots?withQuantity=true returns only lots with either available or damaged quantity greater than 0.
/v2/inventory/lots?query=WIO 123 returns lots with matching lot numbers.
/v2/inventory/lots?aggregatedBy=lotNumberLotDateProductId returns lots aggregations by lotNumber, lotDate and productId. By default none-aggregated lots are returned.

Using sorting you can sort your lots by ascending or descending order.

Endpoint Description
/v2/inventory/lots?sort[lotDate]=asc returns array of lots sorted by lot date ascending.
/v2/inventory/lots?sort[lotDate]=desc returns array of lots sorted by lot date descending.


You can use webhooks to subscribe to events related to your stock.

By providing us with a webhook, you will be notified everytime one of your product's quantities changes.

When creating an “API Cubyn” application, you can provide a URL to subscribe to webhooks. Cubyn will post stock updates related to your product to this URL.

Note that if you create multiple “API Cubyn” applications, each with a different webhook URL, Cubyn will post all stock updates to every application with stock:updated events enabled.

Enabling webhooks

To activate webhooks for your account, configue on applications:

Stock webhook event types

Only one type of event related to stock exists currently. Others are linked to parcels.

Event Description
stock:updated Stock have change for one of your product.

Wehbook request

A JSON payload POSTed to your webhook

  "sku": "product_2",
  "ownerId": 369502585,
  "reserved": 1,
  "available": 81,
  "warehouse": "TOTAL",
  "applicationId": 488978068

Our systems will issue POST requests to your Webhook URL with these fields in the request body:

Track inventory (legacy)

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'x-application: my-app-key'


       "id": "e7fe10a9-0fcf-4810-8def-b6b53849616b",
       "ownerId": 161181051,
       "sku": "bundle phone 1",
       "sanitizedSku": "BUNDLE PHONE 1",
       "name": "Bundle test phone",
       "isVirtual": false,
       "isBundle": true,
       "isUnknown": false,
       "createdAt": "2020-05-15T16:49:17.000Z",
       "updatedAt": "2020-05-15T16:49:17.000Z",
       "scubsIds": [
       "stock": {
           "hadStockInbounded": false,
           "quantityAvailable": 4,
           "quantityOutbounded": 0,
           "quantityInbounding": 0,
           "quantityOutbounding": 0,
           "quantityDamaged": 5
       "requiresItemIdentifiers": null,
       "externalReferences": [
               "value": "BUNDLE PHONE 1",
               "rawValue": "bundle phone 1"

GET /v2/product-catalog/products/{product_id}

This endpoint will return 1 product

GET /v2/product-catalog/products

This endpoint gets a maximum of 1000 products. To get all your products you can use the offset parameter, for instance if you have 2300 products:

Endpoint Description
/v2/product-catalog/products returns first 1000 products.
/v2/product-catalog/products?offset=1000 returns next 1000 products.
/v2/product-catalog/products?offset=2000 returns next 300 products since we fetched all of our products.

Using filters you can filter out the products you are looking for, few examples:

Endpoint Description
/v2/product-catalog/products?filters[sku]=an_item returns array of item(s) that has an_item value in sku field
/v2/product-catalog/products?filters[isBundle]=1 returns array of item(s) that are a bundle boolean values true/false values are represented as 1/0

STEP 3: Create parcels

REQUEST (curl)

curl \
    -H 'X-Application: my-app-key' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{ \
      "firstName":"Sophie", \
      "lastName":"Martin", \
      "items":[ \
        { \
          "reference":"product_name", \
          "count":1 \
        }, \
        { \
          "reference":"product_name_2", \
          "count":2 \
        } \
      ], \
      "orderRef": "my_order_reference", \
      "address":{ \
          "line1":"3 place de la Republique", \
          "zip":"69002", \
          "city":"Lyon", \
          "country":"France", \
          "additionalInformation":"code 9898" \
      }, \
      "objectCount":2 \


  "id": 673847167,
  "status": "CREATED",
  "address": {
    "line1": "3 place de la Republique",
    "zip": "69002",
    "city": "Lyon",
    "country": "France",
    "additionalInformation": "code 9898"
  "firstName": "Sophie",
  "lastName": "Martin",
  "deliveryMode": "standard",
  "deliverySigned": false,
  "isAdvalorem": 0,
  "applcationId": "92390180134",
  "shipperId": "2932983427982",
  "collectId": null,
  "barcode": null,
  "qrCode": null,
  "createdAt": "2015-08-18T16:26:08.000Z",
  "updatedAt": "2015-08-18T16:26:08.000Z"

POST /v2/parcels

If you need a batch endpoint for creating parcels, please contact

Field Type Details
address * <Address> Defines the recipient address (see format)
items [<Item>] Array of items contained in this parcel (see format)
firstName string First name of recipient (max 35 characters)
lastName string Last name of recipient (max 35 characters)
organizationName string Organization name (max 35 characters) One of firstName, lastName and organizationName has to be defined
deliveryMode Enum<string> Shipping mode allowed: standard, standard+, express, express+ or relay
deliverySigned boolean Should shipment be handed against signature
relayPickupRef string Pickup point identifier (only if deliveryMode is relay) (see handling relay)
phone string Phone of recipient (phone format needed)
email string Email of recipient (email format needed)
isAdvalorem boolean Activation of ad valorem insurance of your parcel according to the value of your SKUs
orderRef string Unique reference of the parcel
value number Overall value of parcel (for international shipping only)
customsHsCode string Harmonized system code (for international shipping only)
customsCategory Enum<string> Nature of the order 'GIFT','DOCUMENTS','COMMERCIAL_SAMPLE','COMMERCIAL','RETURNED_GOODS','OTHER'
customsDescription string Description of contect (for international shipping only) (max 65 characters)
customsOriginCountry string Origin country (for international shipping only)

STEP 4: Track parcels

REQUEST (curl)

curl \
    -H 'X-Application: my-app-key'


  "id": 297706966,
  "batchId": "cafedd5e-e824-46c3-b6cc-3e077aa00846",
  "type": "SHIPMENT",
  "trackingId": "CUB297706966",
  "status": "PICKED",
  "aside": false,
  "address": {
    "line1": "31 rue du Pere Corentin",
    "line2": "",
    "zip": "75014",
    "city": "Paris",
    "state": "",
    "country": "FR",
    "additionalInformation": ""
  "firstName": "Robin",
  "lastName": "Dubois",
  "organizationName": "cubyndemo2",
  "deliveryMode": "express",
  "deliverySigned": false,
  "objectCount": 1,
  "isAdvalorem": false,
  "orderRef": "91251234",
  "createdAt": "2019-12-11T18:11:29.000Z",
  "updatedAt": "2019-12-11T18:11:29.000Z",
  "validationStatus": "INFO",
  "cancellationStatus": "NONE",
  "shipperId": 427380376,
  "selfReturnActivated": true,
  "deliverySaturday": false,
  "isAnonymized": true,
  "isStorage": true,
  "isRemoval": false

GET /v2/parcels/:id

Use webhooks to subscribe to events related to parcels you created.

By providing us with a webhook, you will be notified everytime a parcel sees its status change. This allows you to take the appropriate action in the shortest delay, such as informing your customers that their product has been shipped.

When creating an “API Cubyn” application, you can provide a URL to subscribe to webhooks. Cubyn will post tracking information that relate to parcels created via this application to the provided URL.

Note that if you create multiple “API Cubyn” applications, each with a different webhook URL, the tracking information provided to each of the URLs will only relate to parcels created via the application associated with such URL. If you provide the same URL for all “API Cubyn” applications, tracking information relating to parcels created with any of such applications will be provided to such URL - the API key in the payload will help determine to which application a parcel relates.

Enabling webhooks

To activate webhooks for your account, configue on applications:

Webhook event types

A webhook call will be triggered in each of those events:

Event Description
parcel:cancelled parcel parcel ready for picking; has been cancelled
parcel:picked parcel goes from being CREATED to being PICKED
parcel:shipped parcel is labelled and ready to be taken by carrier
parcel:carrier-status:changed parcel transits within the carrier network

Securing your webhook

A webhook creates a potential backdoor on your system, we thus recommend:

Backoff webhook attempts

If your server responds with a HTTP 500 status, our servers will attempt to replay the request up to 3 times: 1, 2, 4 minutes later.

Webhook request

A JSON payload POSTed to your webhook

  "event": "parcel:shipped",
  "key": "my-app-key",
  "parcel": {
      "address": {
        "city": "Untesh",
        "zip": "14150",
        "country": "FR",
        "additionalInformation": "",
        "line2": "",
        "line1": "10 Rue de Varnishold",
        "state": ""
      "aside": false,
      "barcode": "2471690149",
      "batchId": "f95a22b9-2e72-414a-8478-f12677410d6",
      "cancellationStatus": "NONE",
      "carrier": "carrier-colisprive",
      "carrierTrackingId": "W5000140213462150",
      "createdAt": "2022-02-09T18:39:05.000Z",
      "collectId": 897355555,
      "customsCategory": "COMMERCIAL",
      "customsDescription": "produit cosmétique",
      "customsHsCode": "33049900",
      "customsOriginCountry": "FR",
      "deliveryMode": "standard",
      "deliverySaturday": false,
      "deliverySigned": false,
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "Vaelin",
      "id": 817427867,
      "insurance": 93.06,
      "isAdvalorem": false,
      "isAnonymized": false,
      "isRemoval": false,
      "isStorage": true,
      "items": [
          "count": 3,
          "reference": "2346386383673"
          "count": 1,
          "reference": "iphone-XR"
      "label": "Le 6th order",
      "lastName": "Sorna",
      "objectCount": 1,
      "orderRef": "347-4957372-9234150",
      "originalValue": "92",
      "organizationName": "WOLFRNR & CO",
      "phone": "0623333450",
      "pickedAt": "2022-02-10T05:28:52.000Z",
      "qrCode": "it.2.e814c8f0-3c16-4403-9faf-42765qwedfwefv86.bag",
      "relayPickupRef": "TR456754",
      "selfReturnActivated": false,
      "shipperId": 834587545,
      "status": "SHIPPED",
      "trackingId": "CUB817427867",
      "type": "SHIPMENT",
      "updatedAt": "2022-02-10T08:36:01.244Z",
      "validationStatus": "INFO",
      "value": "92",
      "viaApplicationId": 198914599,
      "volumetricWeight": 1.8538,
      "warehouseId": 3628042,
      "weight": 2.82,

Our systems will issue POST requests to your Webhook URL with these 3 fields in the request body:

Testing your webhooks

Simply use these simple curl commands to try your webhooks -›

Try your webhook with the two following parcel events

curl https://<URL_WEBHOOK> -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ \
    "key":"<API_KEY>", \
    "event":"parcel:picked", \
    "parcel":{"id":"<CUBYN_ID>","orderRef":"<ORDER_REFERENCE>","status":"PICKED"} \

curl https://<URL_WEBHOOK> -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ \
    "key":"<API_KEY>", \
    "event":"parcel:carrier-status:changed", \
    "parcel":{"id":"<CUBYN_ID>","orderRef":"<ORDER_REFERENCE>","status":"CARRIER_DELIVERED"} \

STEP 5: Create claims

REQUEST (curl)

curl \
    -H 'X-Application: my-app-key' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{ \
        "type":"PARCEL_NEVER_RECEIVED", \
        "entityType":"PARCEL", \
        "entityId":"123123", \
        "source":"RECIPIENT", \
        "resolutionTypeSelected": "RESHIP", \
        "attachments": [ \
            { \
                "type": "ITEM_LABEL", \
                "fileKey": "https://attachment.domain/path/to", \
            }, \
            { \
                "type": "ITEM_DAMAGED", \
                "fileKey": "https://attachment.domain/path/to", \
            } \
        ], \
        "concerns": [ \
            { \
                "entityId":"product_id_1", \
                "entityType": "PRODUCT", \
                "type": "MERCHANDISE", \
                "quantity": "1" \
            }, \
            { \
                "entityId":"product_id_2", \
                "entityType": "PRODUCT", \
                "type": "MERCHANDISE", \
                "quantity": "2" \
            } \
        ], \
        "requester":{ \
            "firstName": "Sophie", \
            "lastName": "Martin", \
            "email":"", \
            "organizationName":"CUBYN", \
            "language":"FR", \
            "bankInfo": { \
                "firstName": "Sophie", \
                "lastName": "Martin", \
                "iban":"GB33BUKB20201555555555", \
                "bic":"GEBABEBB", \
                "country":"FR", \
            }, \
        } \

RESPONSE (Created claim ID)


POST /v2/claims

Field Type Details
type * Enum<string> Type of the claim. For more details : Claim types
source * Enum<string> Source is the initiator of the request. For more details : Sources
entityType * Enum<string> Type of the entity. For more details : Entity types
entityId * string Entity ID (Should be id of entity type (id of parcel / id of sku))
resolutionTypeSelected * Enum<string> Resolution type selected by recipient. For more details : Resolution types
attachments [<ClaimFile>] Array of attachments that are uploaded by posting files (Please see Claim file)
concerns [<Concern>] Array of items (SKUs/products) that has issues contained in this parcel (For more details : Concerns)
requester <Requester> Only for CONSUMER claims - details of consumer, that is creating a claim (For more details : Requesters)

STEP 6: Track claims

REQUEST (curl)

curl \
    -H 'X-Application: my-app-key'


        "id": "d6186a3c-b037-4650-9f1e-56f2ad410d10",
        "type": "PARCEL_RECEIVED_DAMAGED",
        "attachments": [{
            "id": "33bbafcc-7e55-4d8f-a90f-a5275201f6d4",
            "incidentId": "fd9c6662-541c-49e1-9a37-21151a13f891",
            "type": "COMMERCIAL_INVOICE",
            "fileKey": "/kvs1gu32000ifdexample.pdf",
            "url": "https://aws/path/to/file",
            "createdAt": "2021-11-09T11:57:33.000Z",
            "updatedAt": "2021-11-09T11:57:33.000Z",
        "concerns": [{
            "id": "MERCHANDISE|0347b8d0-8d4a-5c0a-8eaf-0bca15c94bc6",
            "incidentId": "959516f1-c907-486d-2e18-d7aa3355983a",
            "entityId": "0347b8d0-8d4a-4c0a-8eaf-0bca15c94bc1",
            "entityType": "ITEM",
            "type": "MERCHANDISE",
            "quantity": 1
            "createdAt": "2021-07-02T10:13:52.000Z",
            "updatedAt": "2021-07-02T10:13:52.000Z",
        "status": "REJECTED",
        "refundStatus": "REJECTED",
        "source": "RECIPIENT",
        "ownerId": 339,
        "entityId": "889768785",
        "entityType": "PARCEL",
        "resolutionTypeApplied": "REFUND",
        "refundId": 1,
        "shippingFeesAmount": 50,
        "merchandiseValue": 20,
        "rejectedReason": [{
            "key": "PARCEL_DELIVERED_ON_TIME"
        "relatedShipperId": 608838005,
        "reshipParcelId": null,
        "decidedToRefundAt": "2021-11-24T11:37:31.000Z",
        "requester": {
            "id": 339,
            "firstName": "Sophie",
            "lastName": "Martin",
            "organizationName": "CUBYN",
            "email": "",
            "language": "FR",
            "createdAt": "2021-11-24T11:37:31.000Z",
            "updatedAt": "2021-11-24T11:37:31.000Z",
        "createdAt": "2021-11-24T11:37:31.000Z",
        "updatedAt": "2021-11-24T11:37:36.000Z",
  • You can get list of your claims
  • Some of the fields can only be requested if you have specific rights

GET /v2/claims

Field Type Details
id string id of claim
type Enum<string> Type of the claim. For more details : claim types
attachments [<ClaimFileRetrieve>] Array of attachments (see Attachments)
concerns [<Concern>] Array of items (SKUs/products) that has issues contained in this parcel (see Concerns)
status Enum<string> Status of the claim (Statuses)
refundStatus Enum<string> Refund status of the claim (Refund statuses) Applicable when resolution type is REFUND
ownerId string Owner id (requester id for recipient and shipper id for shipper) id should refer to provided source Sources
source Enum<string> Source is the initiator of the request. For more details : Sources
entityId string Entity ID (Should be id of entity type (id of parcel / id of sku))
entityType Enum<string> Type of the entity. For more details : Entity types
resolutionTypeApplied Enum<string> Resolution type applied by CUBYN. For more details : Resolution types
decidedToRefundAt date Date when CUBYN has made a decision to REFUND
refundId number Refund ID that is set to claim when it is going to be billed
shippingFeesAmount number Amount in % of shipping fee
merchandiseValue number Amount to be refunded in €
rejectedReason [<{ "key": Enum<string> }>] Reason why claim was rejected
relatedShipperId string Shipper id for RECIPIENT claim
reshipParcelId string Parcel ID that is created for RESHIP claim (new re-ship parcel Id)
requester <Requester> Requester details (see Requester)
updatedAt date "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
createdAt date "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"

STEP 7: Update claim

REQUEST (curl)

curl --location --request POST '' \
-H 'X-Application: my-app-key' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "incidentId": "eb68281c-d82a-4c1e-bb7b-660b0ae630c6",
    "attachments": [
        { "fileKey": "/lbdqus1y000a0064a89ehzlx.pdf", "type": "IDENTIFICATION_DOCUMENT" }


    "incident": {
        "attachments": [
                "id": "0b2cd101-fae1-4dc5-9e52-29f1b96a16aa",
                "incidentId": "eb68281c-d82a-4c1e-bb7b-660b0ae630c6",
                "type": "IDENTIFICATION_DOCUMENT",
                "fileKey": "/lbdqsjw4000a0064a8b84x89.png",
                "createdAt": "2022-12-07T14:25:18.000Z",
                "updatedAt": "2022-12-07T14:25:18.000Z"
                "id": "1b70aadd-d152-4dd0-a1cf-e45479281fc6",
                "incidentId": "eb68281c-d82a-4c1e-bb7b-660b0ae630c6",
                "type": "COMMERCIAL_INVOICE",
                "fileKey": "/lbdqus1y000a0064a89ehzlx.pdf",
                "createdAt": "2022-12-07T14:32:37.000Z",
                "updatedAt": "2022-12-07T14:32:37.000Z"
                "fileKey": "/lbdqus1y000a0064a89ehzlx.pdf",
                "type": "IDENTIFICATION_DOCUMENT",
                "incidentId": "eb68281c-d82a-4c1e-bb7b-660b0ae630c6"
        "attachmentValidations": [],
        "concerns": [],
        "id": "eb68281c-d82a-4c1e-bb7b-660b0ae630c6",
        "createdAt": "2022-12-07T14:25:18.000Z",
        "status": "CREATED",
        "refundStatus": "CREATED",
        "incidentValidationTypes": [],
        "refundValidationTypes": [],
        "source": "SHIPPER",
        "ownerId": 315576186,
        "origin": "ZENDESK",
        "originId": null,
        "entityId": "120165677",
        "entityType": "PARCEL",
        "reshipParcelId": null,
        "relatedShipperId": 315576186,
        "type": "PARCEL_NEVER_RECEIVED",
        "resolutionTypeSelected": "REFUND",
        "resolutionTypeApplied": null,
        "refundId": null,
        "isManuallyUpdated": true,
        "shippingFeesAmount": null,
        "merchandiseValue": null,
        "taxValue": null,
        "rejectedReason": null,
        "decidedToRefundAt": null,
        "refundSentToHeadOfFinanceAt": null,
        "refundSentXMLEndToEndId": null,
        "updatedAt": "2023-01-03T14:37:30.000Z",
        "isArchived": false,
        "requester": null,
        "returns": null,
        "modificationEvents": {
            "ATTACHMENT_UPDATED": {
                "meta": {
                    "attachments": [
                            "fileKey": "/lbdqus1y000a0064a89ehzlx.pdf",
                            "type": "IDENTIFICATION_DOCUMENT"
            "STATUS_UPDATED": {
                "meta": {
                    "status": "CREATED"
            "REFUND_STATUS_UPDATED": {
                "meta": {
                    "refundStatus": "CREATED"


    "message": "Token validity is expired",
    "stack": "Error: Token validity is expired\n    at handler (/app/src/lambdas/can-access:v1/index.js:108:15)\n    at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)\n    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)\n    at decoratedHandler (/app/node_modules/@devcubyn/carotte-runtime/dist/load-functions/index.js:33:20)",
    "status": 401,
    "type": "UnauthorizedError"

POST /v2/attachments

Field Type Details
incidentId string id of claim
attachments [<ClaimFile>] Array of attachments (see Attachments)

STEP 8: Generate return label

1. Generate the return parcel

In order to generate a return label to a given - already delivered - parcel using the Cubyn API, first a return parcel needs to be generated using the endpoint found below.

REQUEST (curl)

curl \
    -H 'X-Application: my-app-key'


    "id": 906312312,
    "batchId": "86820c7e-c6e5-482b-92cc-3cfe58a8d6e7",
    "type": "RECIPIENT_RETURN",
    "trackingId": "CUB906312312",
    "carrierTrackingId": "8R43605332126",
    "status": "CREATED",
    "aside": false,
    "address": {
        "line1": "13 rue La Rue Qui Roule",
        "line2": "",
        "zip": "88880",
        "city": "L'isle de rôti",
        "state": "",
        "country": "FR",
        "additionalInformation": ""
    "firstName": "Raggie",
    "lastName": "Redmont",
    "email": "",
    "carrier": "colissimo",
    "deliveryMode": "standard",
    "deliverySigned": false,
    "objectCount": 1,
    "insurance": 0,
    "isAdvalorem": false,
    "orderRef": "00000019",
    "createdAt": "2022-01-13T16:46:19.000Z",
    "updatedAt": "2022-01-13T16:46:20.797Z",
    "validationStatus": "INFO",
    "cancellationStatus": "NONE",
    "viaApplicationId": 483489204,
    "shipperId": 784567987,
    "pickedAt": "2022-01-13T16:46:19.000Z",
    "selfReturnActivated": false,
    "customsHsCode": "123456",
    "warehouseId": 3628042,
    "deliverySaturday": false,
    "isAnonymized": false,
    "isStorage": true,
    "isRemoval": false

POST /v2/parcels/:id/recipient-returns

This endpoint creates a return parcel - using the id of an existing delivered parcel belonging to the shipper - and as a response it returns said return parcel object.

From this response, the id of the newly created return parcel has to be retained to generate the return label via the actions detailed in the upcoming sub-step.

Field Details
id The id of the parcel belonging to the shipper which we want to transform into a return parcel

2. Generate the return label

REQUEST (curl)

curl[]=attachment.file&filters[parcelId]=881112350&filters[type]=LABEL \
    -H 'X-Application: my-app-key'


        "id": 461256384,
        "type": "LABEL",
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "name": "label-461396384",
        "format": "PDF",
        "pageCount": 1,
        "file": {
            "key": "/kyd7elpu000sfd339ecqxl4n.pdf",
            "url": ""
        "s3Url": "",
        "fileSize": 120000,
        "parcelId": 906312312,
        "fileKey": "/kyd7elpu000sfd339ecqxl4n.pdf",
        "createdAt": "2022-01-13T16:46:20.000Z",
        "updatedAt": "2022-01-13T16:46:21.000Z"

GET /v2/attachments/?includes[]=attachment.file&filters[parcelId]=:id&filters[type]=LABEL

The endpoint above - using the id of the return parcel generated in the previous sub-step - returns a full LABEL object that belongs to the given parcel.

This object (see example on the right) includes the URL through which the label can be downloaded in a .pdf form. (The URL is to be found exactly under the response.file.url key)

Field Value Details
includes[] attachment.file We want to include the attachment files belonging to the return parcel
filters[parcelId] id Filtering by the id of the return parcel to which we want to get the return label
filters[type] LABEL Filtering only the LABEL type objects

Lot Management API

Here the collection on v3 api objects and endpoints dedicated to lot management

Lot properties

Field Type Details
id string the id attached to one product, aggregation of date ref and productId
productId string the product related to the lot
date date lot validity date
reference string represent the lot reference like 'WIO 12345'
isBlocked boolean status of the lot, could be active when isBlocked equal false or blocked if isBlocked equal to true
quantities object detailled quantities for this lot, full details describe below


Field Type Details
available number all objects available on this lot (if not blocked)
damaged number all objects damaged
total number every objects in available and damaged


As the id is an aggregation of reference, date and productId, it will be modified when its date or reference is patched.

Retreive all lots

It will search and return among all your lots register at Cubyn. By default it will return the 1000 latest updated lots. You have filters in order to search more precisely into your lots.

REQUEST (curl)

curl --request GET \ 
    --url[productId]=0318d74f-d0ab-4c10-975f-c4dcf14b2261&limit=20 \
    --header 'X-Application: my-app-key'


    "id": "123456789_2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z_0318d74f-d0ab-4c10-975f-c4dcf14b2261",
    "productId": "0318d74f-d0ab-4c10-975f-c4dcf14b2261",
    "date": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "reference": "WIO 123456789",
    "isBlocked": true,  
    "quantity": {
      "available": 2,
      "damaged": 0,
      "total": 2
  }, {
    "id": "9996666_2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z_0318d74f-d0ab-4c10-975f-c4dcf14b2261",
    "productId": "0318d74f-d0ab-4c10-975f-c4dcf14b2261",
    "date": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "reference": "WIO 9996666",
    "isBlocked": false,
    "quantity": {
      "available": 2,
      "damaged": 1,
      "total": 3

GET /v3/inventory/lots/

Filters params

All filters are optional and here to have a more precise results.

Field Type Details
lotIds array<string> list of lotIds searched, minimun one value if used and maximum 1000 like the limit
productId string Will return all lots for one product
date string get all lot sharing the same date
reference string get all lot sharing the same reference
withQuantity boolean return only lots with available quantity

Limit and offset

By default the limit is 500 (and also the maximum allowed) lots, if you have more you can play with the offset in order to get the next one

Field Type Details
limit number limit is by default 1000
offset number offset by default 0, the first n-indexes to skip to retrieve the n+1 lots

like in these exemples

Endpoint Description
v3/inventory/lots?limit=20 return only the 20 first lots
v3/inventory/lots?limit=100&offset=100 returns next 100 lots


Using sorting you can sort your lots by ascending or descending order.

Endpoint Description
/v2/inventory/lots?sort[lotDate]=asc returns array of lots sorted by lot date ascending.
/v2/inventory/lots?sort[lotDate]=desc returns array of lots sorted by lot date descending.

it will return an array of lots or empty if no lots matching the filters

on the header, x-total-count as the total number of lots matching to the filters

Retreive one lot

Retreive the lot with a specific id or throw 404 not found

REQUEST (curl)

curl --request GET \ 
    --url \
    --header 'X-Application: my-app-key'


  "id": "123456789_2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z_0318d74f-d0ab-4c10-975f-c4dcf14b2261",
  "productId": "0318d74f-d0ab-4c10-975f-c4dcf14b2261",
  "date": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "reference": "WIO 123456789",
  "isBlocked": true,        
  "quantity": {
    "available": 2,
    "damaged": 0,
    "blocked": 0

GET /v3/inventory/lots/:id

it will return one lot

status Description
404 lot for this id is not found

Update Lot

Modify some lot properties and return the updated lot.

curl --request PATCH \
    --url \
    --header 'X-Application: my-app-key'
    --header 'content-type: application/json' \
    --data '{
        "date": "2024-03-01T00:00:00.000Z",
        "reference" "WIO 100000",
        "blocked": false


  "id": "100000_2024-03-01T00:00:00.000Z_0318d74f-d0ab-4c10-975f-c4dcf14b2261",
  "productId": "0318d74f-d0ab-4c10-975f-c4dcf14b2261",
  "date": "2024-03-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "reference": "WIO 100000",
  "isBlocked": false,       

PATCH /v3/inventory/lots/:id

At least one property must be in the payload to b a valid request

Field Type Details
date date the new validity date
reference string the new reference for this lot
blocked boolean the new status of this lot, active or blocked

it will return the lot udpated

status Description
404 lot for this id is not found


It will modify the lot id if you patch the date and/or reference, save the response as new lot value. Also please note, the patching lot could merge it with an exiting lots, it will automatically take the status of the destination lot.

for exemple, if you've got these lots : [ { "id": "REF-1-DATE-1_PRODUCT-1", "reference": "REF_1", "productId": "PRODUCT_1", "date": "DATE_1", "isBlocked": false, "quantities": { "available": 20, "damaged": 0, "total": 20, } }, { "id": "REF-1-DATE-2_PRODUCT-1", "reference": "REF_1", "productId": "PRODUCT_1", "date": "DATE_2", "isBlocked": true, "quantities": { "available": 5, "damaged": 1, "total": 6, } }, ]

and you send this

curl --request PATCH \ --url \ --header 'X-Application: my-app-key' --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data '{ "date": "DATE_2", }'

it will merge lot like this [ { "id": "REF-1-DATE-2_PRODUCT-1", "reference": "REF_1", "productId": "PRODUCT_1", "date": "DATE_2", "isBlocked": true, "quantity": 30, "quantities": { "available": 25, "damaged": 1, "total": 26, } }, ]

Manage Lot Status

This endpoints only patch the status. It will not changed the lot id.

curl --request PATCH \
    --url \
    --header 'X-Application: my-app-key'
    --header 'content-type: application/json' \
    --data '{
        "blocked": false


  "id": "123456789_2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z_0318d74f-d0ab-4c10-975f-c4dcf14b226",
  "productId": "0318d74f-d0ab-4c10-975f-c4dcf14b2261",
  "date": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "reference": "WIO 123456789",
  "isBlocked": true,        

PATCH /v3/inventory/lots/:id/status

Field Type Details
blocked boolean the new status of this lot, active or blocked

it will return the lot udpated

status Description
404 lot for this id is not found

Parcel API

Parcel properties and objects


New parcel statuses

Name Details
CREATED when the parcel is created on cubyn side
CANCELED The parcel has been canceled
VALIDATION_FAILED The parcel has not been validated
PROCESSING preparation is in progress
SHIPPED the parcel has sent to carrier
IN_TRANSIT parcel is in transit on carrier side
DELIVERED Delivered to the customer
RETURNING Parcel has been returned and in transit to the warehouse
RETURNED Parcel has been delivered to the warehouse
CARRIER_EXCEPTION parcel could not be delivered due to carrier exception


Field Type Details
line1 * string (max length: 35 chars.)
line2 string (max length: 35 chars.)
zip * string city's zip code
city * string city's name
state string required for US
country * string
additionalInformation string any detail (floor, code, ...) needed by the carrier to deliver / messenger to pick. (max length: 35 chars.)


Field Type Details
id* string lot id
reference* string lot reference
date* string lot validaty date
quantity number number of object sent with this lot


Field Type Details
id* string product id
reference* string product reference
name* string product name
lots array array of object sent split by lot
quantity* number how many products has been sent


Field Type Details
id* number the unique id attached ton one parcel
trackingId string the carrier tracking id if assigned to a carrier
status* Enum<string> enum, will one of the status describe above
type* string Type of the parcel, could be SHIPMENT, RECIPIENT_RETURN, DUPLICATE or CUBYN_RETURN
address* object describe in address
firstName* string First name of recipient
lastName* string Last name of recipient
phone* string Phone of recipient
email* string Email of recipient
organizationName string Organization name if lastName and firstName are not defined
deliveryMode* Enum<string> Shipping mode allowed: standard, standard+, express, express+ or relay
deliverySigned* boolean Should shipment be handed against signature
relayPickupRef string Pickup point identifier (only if deliveryMode is relay) (see handling relay)
isAdvalorem* boolean Activation of ad valorem insurance of your parcel according to the value of your SKUs
orderRef* string Unique reference of the parcel
value number Overall value of parcel (for international shipping only)
createdAt* string parcel creation date in cubyn system
updatedAt* string last update on the parcel
validatedAt string when the parcel has been validated and ready to be fulfilled
shippedAt string parcel was handed over to the transporter
deliveredAt string Parcel was delivered to the recipient
ordered* object parcel object asked details
ordered.quantity* number parcel total object quantity asked
ordered.content* array list of required object per product
shipped object parcel objects shipped
shipped.quantity number parcel total object quantity shipped
shipped.content array list of object shipped per product, describe content

Retreive all parcels

If will search and return among all your parcels registered at Cubyn. By default it will return the 500 latest created parcels. You have filters in order to search more precisely into your parcels.

REQUEST (curl)

curl --request GET \ 
    --url \
    --header 'X-Application: my-app-key'


    "id": 370449951,
    "trackingId": "CUB370449951",
    "carrierTrackingId": "6C18627519287",
    "status": "CARRIER_DELIVERED", // maybe cancellation should be a status too and we can simplify the status list too
    "address": {
      "line1": "728 Chemin des Planes",
      "line2": "",
      "zip": "30700",
      "city": "Saint-Siffret",
      "state": "",
      "country": "FR",
      "additionalInformation": ""
    "firstName": "Audrey",
    "lastName": "Melano",
    "phone": "06 30 06 48 41",
    "email": "",
    "value": 330.75,
    "carrier": "colissimo",
    "deliveryMode": "standard+",
    "deliverySigned": true,
    "insurance": 12.54,
    "isAdvalorem": false,
    "orderRef": "38991824",
    "createdAt": "2024-03-19T11:28:05.000Z",
    "updatedAt": "2024-03-22T12:11:43.342Z",
    "cancelled": false,
    "ordered": {
      "quantity": number;
      "content": {
            "reference": string;
            "quantity": number;
            "name"?: string;
            "value"?: number
    "shipped": {
      "quantity": number;
      "content": {
            "id": string;
            "reference": string;
            "name": string;
            "lots": {
                "id": string; // not UUID, but aggregated lotId (lotNumber+lotDate+productId)
                "reference": string;
                "date": Date;
                "quantity": number; // quantity picked only for the lot
            }[], // could be undefined if no lots (QUESTION about when we mix)
            "quantity": number; // total quantity (QUESTION: naming totalQuantity )
    "weight": 0.38,
    "volumetricWeight": 0.7568,
    "shippedAt": "2024-03-19T19:18:06.000Z",
    "deliveredAt": "2024-03-22T11:31:00.000Z",
    "originalValue": 330.75,
    "validatedAt": "2024-03-19T11:28:09.000Z", //  to be renamed in validatedAt

GET /v3/parcels/

Filters params

All filters are optional and here to have a more precise results.

Field Type Details
parcelIds array<number> only parcels with the id requested
status string only return parcels with status matching required one, list of status like the one descrive above
orderRef string filter by orderRef on parcels
type string filter by parcel type with one of the parcel type describe above

Limit and offset

By default the limit is 500 (and also the maximum allowed) lots, if you have more you can play with the offset in order to get the next one

Field Type Details
limit number limit is by default 500, if you
offset number offset by default 0, the first n-indexes to skip to retrieve the n+1 lots

like in these exemples

Endpoint Description
v3/parcels?limit=20 return only the 20 first parcels
v3/parcels?limit=100&offset=100 returns next 100 parcels

it will return an array of parcels or empty if no parcels matching the filters

Retrieve one parcel

curl --request GET \ 
    --url \
    --header 'X-Application: my-app-key'


    "id": 370449951,
    "trackingId": "CUB370449951",
    "carrierTrackingId": "6C18627519287",
    "status": "CARRIER_DELIVERED", // maybe cancellation should be a status too and we can simplify the status list too
    "address": {
      "line1": "728 Chemin des Planes",
      "line2": "",
      "zip": "30700",
      "city": "Saint-Siffret",
      "state": "",
      "country": "FR",
      "additionalInformation": ""
    "firstName": "Audrey",
    "lastName": "Melano",
    "phone": "06 30 06 48 41",
    "email": "",
    "value": 330.75,
    "carrier": "colissimo",
    "deliveryMode": "standard+",
    "deliverySigned": true,
    "insurance": 12.54,
    "isAdvalorem": false,
    "orderRef": "38991824",
    "createdAt": "2024-03-19T11:28:05.000Z",
    "updatedAt": "2024-03-22T12:11:43.342Z",
    "cancelled": false,
    "ordered": {
      "quantity": number;
      "content": {
            "reference": string;
            "quantity": number;
            "name"?: string;
            "value"?: number
    "shipped": {
      "quantity": number;
      "content": {
            "id": string;
            "reference": string;
            "name": string;
            "lots": {
                "id": string; // not UUID, but aggregated lotId (lotNumber+lotDate+productId)
                "reference": string;
                "date": Date;
                "quantity": number; // quantity picked only for the lot
            }[], // could be undefined if no lots (QUESTION about when we mix)
            "quantity": number; // total quantity (QUESTION: naming totalQuantity )
    "weight": 0.38,
    "volumetricWeight": 0.7568,
    "shippedAt": "2024-03-19T19:18:06.000Z",
    "deliveredAt": "2024-03-22T11:31:00.000Z",
    "originalValue": 330.75,
    "validatedAt": "2024-03-19T11:28:09.000Z", //  to be renamed in validatedAt

GET /v3/parcels/:id

it will return a parcel

status Description
404 lot for this id is not found

Product API

Product properties and objects


Field Type Details
id* string the product id attached ton one parcel
reference* string unique reference for a product
name* string product name
archived* boolean if product is archived
archivedAt date if archived is the date when its happened
updatedAt* date last update on the product
quantities* object describe in below
lots* array describe in lot


Field Type Details
available number all objects available on this product to be sold
damaged number all objects damaged
reserved number all objects reserved on parcels (not available)
blocked number all objects blocked on blocked lot
total* number sum of every quantity

Retreive all products

REQUEST (curl)

curl --request GET \ 
    --url \
    --header 'X-Application: my-app-key'


    "id": "feeefa44-9e51-4fa7-b8b5-b29e450f488d",
    "reference": "productReferenceA",
    "name": "New Product",
    "type": "STANDARD",
        "ownerId": 7010000001,
        "archived": false,
    "updatedAt": "2022-09-12T00:00:00.000Z",
    "quantity": {
      "available": 2,
      "damaged": 0,
      "blocked": 0,
      "reserved": 0,
      "total": 2,
    "lots": [
        "id": "9996666_2022-09-12T00:00:00.000Z_0318d74f-d0ab-4c10-975f-c4dcf14b2261",
        "date": "2022-09-12T00:00:00.000Z",
        "reference": "WIO 9996666",
        "isBlocked": false,
        "quantity": {
          "available": 2,
          "damaged": 0,
          "total": 2,

GET /v3/inventory/products

Filters params

All filters are optional and here to have a more precise results.

Field Type Details
productIds array<string> only products with the id requested
onlyWithAvailableQuantity boolean only return product with available quantity
type string one of product type describe above
reference string a product sku
isArchived boolean only products archived or not regarding the value, value possible true or false
isCase boolean only products is a case or not regarding the value sent
isCasePacked boolean only products is a casePacked or not regarding the value sent
isUnknown boolean only products is unknown or not regarding the value sent

Limit and offset

By default the limit is 1000 (and also the maximum allowed) lots, if you have more you can play with the offset in order to get the next one

Field Type Details
limit number limit is by default 1000, if you
offset number offset by default 0, the first n-indexes to skip to retrieve the n+1 lots

like in these exemples

Endpoint Description
v3/inventory/products?limit=20 return only the 20 first products
v3/inventory/products?limit=100&offset=100 returns next 100 products

it will return an array of product

on the header, x-total-count as the total number of products eligible to the filters (can be more than the limit)

Retreive one product

curl --request GET \ 
    --url \
    --header 'X-Application: my-app-key'


  "id": "feeefa44-9e51-4fa7-b8b5-b29e450f488d",
  "reference": "productReferenceA",
  "name": "New Product",
  "quantity": {
    "available": 2,
    "damaged": 0,
    "blocked": 0,
    "reserved": 0,
  "lots": [
      "id": "9996666_2022-09-12T00:00:00.000Z_0318d74f-d0ab-4c10-975f-c4dcf14b2261",
      "date": "2022-09-12T00:00:00.000Z",
      "reference": "WIO 9996666",
      "isBlocked": false,
      "quantity": {
        "available": 2,
        "damaged": 0,
        "blocked": 0,

GET /v3/inventory/products/:id

it will return a product

status Description
404 lot for this id is not found


You can use webhooks to subscribe to events related to your product stock updates.

By providing us with a webhook, you will be notified everytime one of your product's quantities changes.

When creating an “API Cubyn” application, you can provide a URL to subscribe to webhooks. Cubyn will post product stock updates related to your product to this URL.

Note that if you create multiple “API Cubyn” applications, each with a different webhook URL, Cubyn will post all stock updates to every application with product.stock.updated events enabled.

Enabling webhooks

To activate webhooks for your account, configure on applications:

Stock webhook event types

Only one type of event related to stock exists currently. Others are linked to parcels.

Event Description
product.stock.updated Stock have change for one of your product.

Wehbook request

A JSON payload POSTed to your webhook

  "id": "feeefa44-9e51-4fa7-b8b5-b29e450f488d",
  "reference": "productReferenceA",
  "name": "New Product",
  "type": "STANDARD",
      "ownerId": 7010000001,
      "archived": false,
  "updatedAt": "2022-09-12T00:00:00.000Z",
  "quantity": {
    "available": 2,
    "damaged": 0,
    "blocked": 0,
    "reserved": 0,
    "total": 2,
  "lots": [
      "id": "9996666_2022-09-12T00:00:00.000Z_0318d74f-d0ab-4c10-975f-c4dcf14b2261",
      "date": "2022-09-12T00:00:00.000Z",
      "reference": "WIO 9996666",
      "isBlocked": false,
      "quantity": {
        "available": 2,
        "damaged": 0,
        "total": 2,

Our systems will issue POST requests to your Webhook URL with product in the request body.

Inbound API

Inbound properties and objects

Inbound order statuses

Name Details
CREATED When order is created on Cubyn side
VALIDATED When order is validated on Cubyn side
RECEIVING When order is receiving on Cubyn side
COMPLETED When order is received on Cubyn side

Lot information

Field Type Details
date* date Lot validity date
reference* string Represent the lot reference like 'WIO 12345'

Inbound order line quantities

Field Type Details
declared* number Declared items quantity
labeled* number Labeled items quantity
stored* number Stored items quantity

Inbound order line

Field Type Details
id* string Inbound order line id
orderId* string Inbound order id
name* string Product name
barcode* string Product barcode
sku* string Product SKU
quantities* object Inbound order line quantities
createdAt* date Inbound order line creation date in Cubyn system
updatedAt* date Last update on the inbound order line
lotInformation object Lot information

Inbound order

Field Type Details
id* string Inbound order id
status* Enum<string> Inbound order status
lines* array Inbound order lines
isDeleted* boolean Is inbound order deleted?
declaredPackingUnits* number Number of declared packing units
receivedPackingUnits* number Number of received packing units
completedPackingUnits* number Number of completed packing units
declaredItems* number Number of declared items
storedItems* number Number of stored items
createdAt* date Inbound order creation date in Cubyn system
updatedAt* date Last update on the inbound order
receiptStartedAt* date Inbound order reception date in Cubyn system
validatedAt* date Inbound order validation date in Cubyn system
completedAt* date Inbound order completion date in Cubyn system
deletedAt* date Inbound order deletion date in Cubyn system
ownerId* number Owner id of the inbound order
insurance* number Insurance value
isSameDayInbound* boolean Is order supposed to be inbounded in the day

Retrieve one inbound order

Retrieve inbound order with inbound order lines and lot information with a specific id or throw 404 not found.

REQUEST (curl)

curl --request GET \ 
    --url \
    --header 'X-Application: my-app-key'


  "id": "b7b41188-ce8e-49bf-94be-b9a11e8c5846",
  "lines": [
      "id": "0c245d32-4f18-4c93-89e6-db2786dbad66",
      "orderId": "b7b41188-ce8e-49bf-94be-b9a11e8c5846",
      "name": "Product 1",
      "barcode": "barcode_1",
      "sku": "SKU_1",
      "quantities": {
        "declared": 1,
        "labeled": 0,
        "stored": 0
      "createdAt": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
      "updatedAt": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
      "lotInformation": {
        "date": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
        "reference": "WIO 123456789"
  "isDeleted": false,
  "declaredPackingUnits": 1,
  "receivedPackingUnits": 0,
  "completedPackingUnits": 0,
  "declaredItems": 1,
  "storedItems": 0,
  "createdAt": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "updatedAt": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "receiptStartedAt": null,
  "validatedAt": null,
  "completedAt": null,
  "deletedAt": null,
  "status": "CREATED",
  "ownerId": 111111111,
  "insurance": null,
  "isSameDayInbound": false

GET /v3/storage-inbound/orders/:id

It will return one inbound order

status Description
404 Inbound order for this id is not found

Update lot information on inbound line

Modify some lot information on inbound order line and return line with the updated lot information.

curl --request PATCH \
  --url \
  --header 'X-Application: my-app-key' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{
      "date": "2024-03-03T00:00:00.000Z",
      "reference": "WIO 100000"


  "id": "7dd2599e-e208-4624-8e07-2778b899db99",
  "orderId": "b7b41188-ce8e-49bf-94be-b9a11e8c5846",
  "name": "Product 1",
  "barcode": "barcode_1",
  "sku": "SKU_1",
  "quantities": {
    "declared": 1,
    "labeled": 0,
    "stored": 0
  "createdAt": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "updatedAt": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "lotInformation": {
    "date": "2024-03-03T00:00:00.000Z",
    "reference": "WIO 100000"

PATCH /v1/storage-inbound/lines/:lineId/lot

At least one property must be in the payload to be valid request

Field Type Details
date date New validity date (in format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ)
reference string New reference

It will return the inbound order line with the updated lot information

status Description
400 Not allowed to modify inbound line lot information related to the return
400 Not allowed to modify inbound line lot information related to the inbound order with the status
404 Inbound order line is not found
404 Inbound lot for line is not found


Not allowed to modify lot information on line related to the: - inbound order related to the return; - inbound order in the status (RECEIVING|COMPLETED).

API Reference

API Objects


This is the address model used in Shipper and Parcel objects.

Field Type Details
line1 * string (max length: 35 chars.)
line2 string (max length: 35 chars.)
zip * string city's zip code
city * string city's name
state string required for US
country * string
additionalInformation string any detail (floor, code, ...) needed by the carrier to deliver / messenger to pick. (max length: 35 chars.)


This is the item model used in to specify an object contained in a Parcel.

Field Type Details
count * string Number of items to pick
reference* string SKU of your product


This is the concern model used in to specify an object contained in a Claim.

Field Type Details
type* Enum<string> Type of concerned item Claim concern type
entityId* string Id of issued sku or parcel based on what is provided to Entity type
entityType* string Entity type Claim concern entity type
quantity* number Number of concerned products
incidentId string Related claim id (only displayed when retrieve data)


This is the requester model used in to specify an object contained in a Claim.

Field Type Details
firstName* string First Name of claim creator
lastName* string Last Name of claim creator
email* email Email of claim creator
organizationName* number Organization name that this requester is belong
language* string FR/ES
bankInfo* <BankInfo> Bank information format

Bank info

This is the bank info model used in to specify an object contained in a Requester.

Field Type Details
firstName* string First Name of refund recipient
lastName* string Last Name of refund recipient
iban* string IBAN of refund recipient
bic* string BIC of refund recipient
country* string FR/ES

Claim file

This is claim file attachment object, that is required to provide for a claim.

Field Type Details
type * Enum<string> Claim attachment type Claim attachment type
fileKey * string Key that we get as a response when upload file with files API

Claim file retrieve

This is claim file attachment object, this is what displayed when claim is retrieved

Field Type Details
id string File id
incidentId string Related claim id (only displayed when retrieve data)
type Enum<string> Claim attachment type Claim attachment type
fileKey string Key that we get as a response when upload file with files API
url string Url to the file
createdAt date Date when file was uploaded
updatedAt date Date when file was updated


Claim type

These are the list of claims types that can be selected in ENUM.

VALUE Details
PARCEL_LATE_DELIVERY Means that delivery is late for this parcel
PARCEL_MISSING_PRODUCT The parcel is incomplete, something is missing
PARCEL_NEVER_RECEIVED Means that this parcel has been delivered but not received
PARCEL_NEVER_RECEIVED_LOST_IN_TRANSIT This parcel has not been delivered
PARCEL_NEVER_RECEIVED_MARKED_AS_LOST_CARRIER The carrier marked the order as lost in transit
PARCEL_NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_PICKUP The order is marked as available for pick up but availability is contested by recipient
PARCEL_RECEIVED_DAMAGED The order is delivered with damages due to transportation
PARCEL_WRONG_PRODUCT Wrong order or products received


These are the list of sources that can be selected in ENUM.

VALUE Details
RECIPIENT Consumer (Claims created via
SHIPPER Shipper (Claims created via

Entity type

These are the list of entity types that can be selected in ENUM.

VALUE Details

Resolution type

These are the list of resolution types that can be selected in ENUM.

VALUE Details
RESHIP Reship (when the desired resolution is to re-ship the entity(s))
REFUND Refund (when the desired resolution is to refund amount that is payed)

Claim status

These are the list of claim statuses that can be selected in ENUM.

VALUE Details
CREATED Claim is created but not yet handled by Cubyn agent
REJECTED Claim is rejected by Cubyn
RESOLVED Claim is resolved by Cubyn and sent to be refunded
STARTED Claim is resolved by Cubyn and sent to bank to be refunded (The bank details validation is not passed yet)

Claim attachment type

These are the list of claim's attachment types.

VALUE Details
BUYING_INVOICE Purchase invoice of the SKU
CARRIER_TRACKING_PAGE Carrier tracking page for the order
CERTIFICATE_NOT_PICKED_UP Certificate of non delivery / not picking up
COMMERCIAL_INVOICE Commercial invoice for the order
COMPLAINT Affidavit OR police report
GENERAL Other attachment
IDENTIFICATION_DOCUMENT Identification document
ITEM_DAMAGED Proof photo of damaged item (parcel/sku)
ITEM_LABEL Pictures of parcel and shipment label
ITEM_WRONG Picture of parcel and wrong products
POLICE_REPORT Police report
PROOF_OF_DELIVERY Proof of delivery

Claim concern type

These are the list of claim concern types

VALUE Details

Claim concern entity type

These are the list of claim concern types

VALUE Details
ITEM Item is the concerned entity
PRODUCT SKU is the concerned entity

API Endpoints

Find here all API endpoints available.


Method Path Description
GET /v2/users Get user currently connected
GET /v2/users/:id Read user details
PUT /v2/users/:id Edit a user


Method Path Description
GET /v2/parcels List all your parcels
POST /v2/parcels Create a parcel
GET /v2/parcels/:id Read details of this parcel
PUT /v2/parcels/:id Edit a parcel
PUT /v2/parcels/:id/cancel Cancel (and delete) a parcel ready for picking


Method Path Body Description
GET /v2/attachments List all your attachments
GET /v2/attachments?filters[parcelId]=:id List all attachments of this parcel
POST /v2/attachments { "parcelId": ":id" } Upload a new attachment on this parcel
GET /v2/attachments/:id Read details of this attachment
DELETE /v2/attachments/:id Delete this attachment

Inbound orders

Method Path Body Description
GET /v2/storage-inbound/orders?filters[status]=:status List an inbound order with given status
GET /v2/storage-inbound/warehouses List all your warehouses
GET /v2/storage-inbound/orders/:orderId Read details of an inbound order with given id
POST /v2/storage-inbound/orders?filters[warehouseId]=:warehouseId {"packingUnits": 1, "items": [{"productName": "product33", "sku": "er1234" "barcode": "barcode74", "quantity": 1}]} Create an inbound order
DELETE /v2/storage-inbound/orders/:orderId?ownerId=:ownerId Delete an inbound order


Method Path Body Description
GET /v2/inventory/products List all your products
GET /v2/inventory/products?productId=:productId Get one product by ID
GET /v2/inventory/product-sku/:productId - List a product barcodes
GET /v2/inventory/lots?productId=:productId - List a product lots
PUT /v2/product-catalog/products/:productId {"sku":"newSku", "name":"newName"} Update a product


Method Path Description
POST /v1/claims Create new claim
GET /v1/claims Get list of claims
GET /v1/claims/:id Get one of claims


Method Path Body Description
POST /v1/files Post files


Word Definition
sku Unique reference of your product
barcode Physical identification of your product (EAN, IMEI, UPC...)
packing unit Boxes or pallets containing your products in the inbound order
inbound order Group of declared products sent to Cubyn


Understanding Cubyn statuses

Parcels and their Attachments all have a status field.

Parcel statuses

Status Stakeholder Description
CREATED Shipper Parcel has been created and is still editable. The status remains CREATED in two scenarios: 1) The parcel is in error, for example missing stock, unknown external reference, error in address or 2) the parcel is well-validated and ready to be picked
PICKED Cubyn Parcel has been picked by an operator from Cubyn picking team. At this point of the process, the parcel can no longer be cancelled
SHIPPED Cubyn Parcel is now in carrier hands
CARRIER_IN_TRANSIT Carrier Parcel is on the way, transitting within carrier network
CARRIER_OUT_FOR_DELIVERY Carrier Carrier is ready to deliver the parcel
CARRIER_FAILED_ATTEMPT Carrier Carrier attempted to deliver the parcel but will try again
CARRIER_DELIVERED Carrier (final status) Parcel delivered successfully
CARRIER_EXCEPTION Carrier (final status) Parcel not delivered / returned to shipper
CARRIER_RETURN_RECEIVED Cubyn (final status) Parcel not delivered to recipient / returned to Cubyn warehouse

Parcel cancellation statuses

Status Description
NONE Default parcel cancellation status
IN_PROGRESS Parcel is in cancellation
SUCCEEDED Parcel has been cancelled
FAILED An error occured while cancelling the parcel

Attachment statuses

Status Description
IN_PROGRESS Attachment is being downloaded or processed by our servers
SUCCESS Attachment is ready to be printed
PRINTED Attachment has been printed and packed in your parcel

Parcel attachments

REQUEST (curl)

curl \
    -H 'X-Application: my-app-key' \
    -F name=my-file.pdf \
    -F parcelId=983264786 \
    -F 'file=@/path/to/my-file.pdf'


    "file": {
        "url": "https://attachment.domain/path/to"

Parcel attachments are a convenient way to have Cubyn print and pack documents in your parcels. e.g. Invoices, User guides, Ads, ...

Maximum allowed size: 2Mo. Only PDF files are supported.

You can also list and delete attachments as described in API Reference.


POST /v2/attachments

Files upload

Used to upload files for claim creation

REQUEST (curl)

curl \
    -H 'X-Application: my-app-key' \
    -F name=my-file.pdf


    "key": "/kwff65um003ufd339e9czkq0.pdf",
    "url": "https://s3/path/to/file",
    "meta": {
        "contenttype": "application/pdf",
        "originalname": "sample1.pdf"

Files upload for claims

Maximum allowed size: 5Mb.


POST /v1/files

Tracking page

Cubyn offers a unified tracking page that is common to every carrier we support. We highly recommend using it:

To do so:

1. Build your Cubyn tracking number

CUB{{your parcel id}}

2. Build your Cubyn tracking page{{your tracking number}}

Handling Cubyn relay

Cubyn supports relay as a third delivery mode which requires a valid relayPickupRef to be set on the parcel. We recommend using our iframe to facilitate the Relay integration into your own systems.

If you do not want to integrate our iframe, please be aware that our relay offer is currently routed on Mondial Relay's network, so relayPickupRef needs to be a valid Mondial Relay pickup point ID. Check Mondial Relay Widget to have a map of pickup points.

Important note: We support many relay points now (all Mondial Relay zones)[...]&callback=[...]

Field Type Details
address * string Remember to URL encode this value Address must be formatted as follows: [line1] [line2] [zip] [city] [country]
callback * string Remember to URL encode this value That URL will be given query parameters telling which pickup point the user has selected.
Field Type Details
id string This is the one and only ID you need to set on parcel.relayPickupRef.
name string Name of the pickup point
image string
openinghours string Example: MON.0700.1830-TUE.0700.1830-WED.0700.1830...
street string
city string
zip string
country string

No page reload

<!-- This is your main checkout tunnel page. -->

<!-- You can include that iframe inside a popup for instance-->
<iframe src="[...]&">

<script type="text/javascript">
    window.setRelay = function(info) {
        console.log('Yeay — relay selected:', info);

<!-- Once the relay is selected, the iframe will redirect to this page. -->

<script type="text/javascript">
    // call parent (out of iframe, but on same domain so that works)

    function parseGetParams() {
        var vars ='&');
        var getPrms = {};
        for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
            var pair = vars[i].split('=');
            getPrms[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
        return getPrms;

Our iframe relies on a http redirect to give you back results, thus (re)loading a new page. You can avoid this redirect by loading the map inside an iframe (in a popup for instance). Beware that cross domain scripting is not allowed. Here is a simple scenario to illustrate how to overcome this:

Using Cubyn Sandbox

Cubyn provides a Sandbox environment where you will be able to test your integration before going live. Ask us for a sandbox account here


Cubyn customer interface URL

Handling errors

When PUTing or POSTing - in case of a validation error, our API will describe each erroneous field. Here is an example:


REQUEST (curl)

curl \
    -X PUT \
    -H 'X-Application: my-app-key' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{"email":"","password":"mypassword"}'


    "errors": [
            "field": "email",
            "message": "Validation isEmail failed"
    "message": "Validation error: Validation isEmail failed",
    "type": "ValidationError"
Code Type Description
400 BadRequestError Often missing a required parameter
400 ValidationError Some field is badly formatted or has validation errors
404 ResourceNotFoundError The requested resource does not exist
403 ForbiddenError You cannot perform that action on this resource
413 TooBigFileError The file you uploaded is too big
50X ServerError Oops - that's for us.